- To help people affected by disasters or conflicts achieve the dream of an improved, healthy, dignified and happy lifestyle.
- To promote citizens action towards challenging the forces that facilitate all forms of conflicts and disasters
- To actively contribute to the realisation of a just, equal, peaceful and prosperous world.
- To partner and collaborate with local, national and international disaster management organisations, including NGOs, CSOs, development agencies, public and private sectors on issues related to conflicts and disasters prevention and management, as well as other related developmental issues.
- To engage in research and documentations, as well as provide opportunity for dialogues and information dissemination on disaster management and related humanitarian issues, using pamphlets, handbills, handbooks, journals, posters, newsletters, stickers, jingles, Radio, Television and online productions and programmes.
- To help provide hope, encouragement and other humanitarian aids and supports to people displaced by various forms of disasters, conflicts and violence around the world
- To raise fund for the critical actions that support the prevention, resolution or management of disaster, conflicts and violence, both locally and globally
- To establish and provide training and skills acquisition centres and residential facilities or safe shelters for victims and potential victims of conflicts and disasters such as orphanage homes and rehabilitation centres.
- To engage in other legitimate activities that support the vision, mission and values of ADDRI.